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18 photos

Tubers tubing drift, down, Cowichan River, Horseshoe Bend, Lake CowichanTubers, tubing, drift, down, Cowichan River, 66 Mile Trestle, Cowichan Valley Trail, Lake CowichanTubers, tubing, drift, down, Cowichan River, Lake CowichanCanadian National caboose, train station, Duncan, cityCowichan Station, farm, Duncan, full moon, risefloat home, Maple Bay Marina, Duncanfloat home, Maple Bay Marina, Duncancolt, mare, eating grass, fieldfarm, Quamichan Lake, Mt. Prevost, Duncan, BC.Snow, covers, Duncan, Cowichan ValleyThree guys fishing, drift boat, drifting, Cowichan River, Duncan, BC.First Nations, fish weir, Cowichan River, Duncan, BCCanadian National caboose, train station, Duncan, cityfarm, Quamichan Lake, Mt. Prevost, Duncan, BC.float home, Maple Bay Marina, Duncan, houseboatTubers, tubing, drift, down, Cowichan River, Lake CowichanTubers, tubing, drift, down, Skutz Falls, Cowichan River, Lake CowichanThree guys fishing, drift boat, drifting, Cowichan River, Duncan, BC.

Categories & Keywords
Category:Lifestyle and Recreation
Subcategory:Rural Life
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:66 mile trestle, Bay, Bend, Canadian National, Cowichan, Cowichan Bay, Cowichan Lake, Duncan, Duncan train station CN caboose, First Nations, Horseshoe Bend, Maple Bay Marina, Mt. Prevost, National, Native Indian fishing weir on Cowichan River, Quamichan, River, Skutz Falls, Tubers, boat, caboose, colt, colt and mare eating grass field, drift, drift boat, drift boat fishing Cowichan River, drifting tubing floating Cowichan River, farm, farm at base of Mt. Prevost Duncan, field, fishing, fishing Cowichan River, float, float homes Maple Bay Marina, floating down Cowichan River, full moon farm Cowichan Station, grass, home, house boats Maple Bay marina, mare, snow in Cowichan Valley Duncan, station, train, tubing, tubing Cowichan River, tubing Horseshoe Bend on Cowichan River, tubing under 66 mile trestle Cowichan River, weir